
| July 8, 2014 | Reply
  1. Organize communities for institutional development with self-commitment and self motivation as entities of community credibility for self-participation in individual, family and community development for self-reliance.
  2. Empower communities for social equity and equality in human rights, wise utilization of resources and its fair distribution, active participation of women, youths, and disadvantaged groups in decision making for gender mainstreaming as a result of gradual increase in capacity building process and critical awareness activities.
  3. Provide opportunities to disadvantaged groups and unemployed youths for self employment through micro-finance and entrepreneurship development activities, non formal education learning centers.
  4. Promote and disseminate easily accessible, socio culturally and economically applicable simple technologies for sustainable management of environmental activities, energy, natural resources and agricultural practices.
  5. Increase health standards through primary health care education and raise rate of literacy through non formal child centered education programs.