Organize communities for institutional development …
RMD has been implementing Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) in Nilkantha Municipality through funding support of LGCDP/DDC, Dahding. The main objective of the project is to empower the rural communities through social mobilization that help especially poor, vulnerable, women and disadvantaged communities to stake their rights and engage in development mainstream. The activities […]
Rural Mutual Development (RMD) implemented the water cum sanitation project in 3 VDCs of the Dhading district covering 2550 population from 410 Households of Dalit, Janajatis and other marginalized community through 7 drinking water schemes. The project has supported 29 water taps, 410 household toilets and 3 child friendly school toilets. In addition to it, […]
Rural Mutual Development Nepal has been implementing Bio-mass Energy Promotion Programme in all VDCs of Dhading district from the funding support of Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC)/Government of Nepal (GoN) since last 10 years. The main objective of the project was focused improving the health of rural women through sustainable use of rural renewable energy […]
From the funding support of Sustainable Soil Management Programme (SSMP)/Helvetas, RMD Nepal implemented community based sustainable soil management activities to improve agriculture productivity and thereby help to reduce poverty. The project achieved following; 175 households of 19 groups initiated sustainable soil management practices resulting 5-10% decrease in Chemical fertilizer; Increased production capacity of agriculture lands […]
RMD Nepal implemented a project for improving health, hygiene and sanitation of women and children of Tamang communities funded by Australian Embassy in Nepal. The project achieved following results; Institutional strengthening of poor Tamang women communities for increasing awareness and easy access of safe drinking water, health, Hygine and sanitation; Constructed 75 toilets and 100 […]