Author Archive: Rural Mutual Development

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Pragya -Relief & Rehabilitation of Earth quake-Affected Communities in Nepal

Pragya -Relief & Rehabilitation of Earth quake-Affected Communities in Nepal

| October 1, 2018 | Reply

Recurrent droughts & floods are the source of much suffering for the rural poor who are also the most vulnerable. The problem is magnified in remote and less-developed areas where safeguards are the least and preparedness poor, while their inaccessibility hinders quick response and relief by agencies. Climate change has also brought in a new […]

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BURDAN वरदान Building Resilience to Disaster Affected communities in Nepal

BURDAN वरदान Building Resilience to Disaster Affected communities in Nepal

| September 30, 2018 | Reply

The BURDAN projects aim to strengthen disaster preparedness in Schools and Communities by promoting Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) initiatives through local governance. The goal of this project is to build community resilient through responsive governance for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness in Nepal in the post-disaster scenario. OUTCOMES 1. The community and the local […]

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Final Evaluation of वरदान BURDAAN Building Resilience to Disaster Affected communities in Nepal

Final Evaluation of वरदान BURDAAN Building Resilience to Disaster Affected communities in Nepal

| September 25, 2018 | Reply

Final Evaluation of वरदान BURDAAN Building Resilience to Disaster Affected communities in Nepal was conducted by FGD and KII by sampling basis in two schools out of five schools as Chandeswori H  S school, Murlibhanjang and Siddhaswor school in Nalag, Dhading

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