Pragya -Relief & Rehabilitation of Earth quake-Affected Communities in Nepal

| October 1, 2018 | Reply

Recurrent droughts & floods are the source of much suffering for the rural poor who are also the most vulnerable. The problem is magnified in remote and less-developed areas where safeguards are the least and preparedness poor, while their inaccessibility hinders quick response and relief by agencies. Climate change has also brought in a new threat of increasingly frequent environmental disasters, among them being receding glaciers, recurrenecurrent droughts & floods are the source of much suffering for the rural poor who are also the most vulnerable. The problem is magnified in remote and less-developed areas where safeguards are the least and preparedness poor, while their inaccessibility hinders quick response and relief by agencies. Climate change has also brought in a new threat of increasingly frequent environmental disasters, among them being receding glaciers, recurrent droughts, flash floods, Glacial Lake Outburst Floods and the immense destruction caused by them to life and property. Rapid and escalating desertification is a slow threat that the agro-pastoral communities in these areas have to contend with, with the associated impacts on livelihoods.

Pragya is studying the phenomenon of climate change induced disasters, and providing inputs for policy action and catalyzing micro insurance and credit to address disaster-related needs. Preparedness measures are being devised and local government councils and village committees are being trained and facilitated for zonation and mitigation measures. Children and youths are being trained for preparedness and relief activities, and villages equipped with food and fodder security systems. Pragya also undertakes response and relief activities in the event of a disaster, and reconstruction of livelihoods and welfare services.

programme on Disaster Relief and Risk Mitigation Management

Construction of latrines in community

Construction and repair of toilet blocks

Water storage and filtration systems

Repair of shared livelihood facilities